Bohm, Buber

"...In the dialogue group we are not going to decide what to do about anything. This is crucial. Otherwise we are not free. We must have an empty space where we are not obliged to anything, nor to come to any conclusions, nor to say anything or not say anything. It's open and free" --- David Bohm

dialog im aktsaal

"I have nothing to say, and I am saying it. And that is poetry." ~ John Cage.

»Nicht das Hinüberschicken ist das Wesentliche der Kommunikation, sondern die Hinausverlagerung in den kommunikativen Raum, gleichsam das Vor-sich-hin-in-die-Mitte-Setzen, welches das bisherige Geschehen verändert«
KA als Leben
"There is no existence, only that which exists exists"