C. Floyd, H. Züllighoven, R. Budde, R. Keil-Slawik (Hrsg.): Software Development and Reality Construction, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1992
This book is based on the conference "Software Development and Reality Construction" in 1988, an interdisciplinary scientific and cultural event aimed at promoting a discussion on the nature of computer science as a scientific discipline and on the theoretical foundations and systemic practice required for human-oriented system design. It comprises a series of individual contributions, arranged so as to form a coherent whole. The authors are: K.Amann, G.Bjerkness, R.Budde, R.M.Burstall, R.Capurro, J.M.Carroll, W.Coy, B.Dahlbom, W.Dzida, C.Floyd, H.v.Foerster, K.Fuchs-Kittowski, D.Gibbon, J.A.Goguen, T.F.Gordon, R.Keil-Slawik, P.Kerola, H.K.Klein, D.E.Knuth, K.-P.Löhr, K.Lyttinen, S.Maaß, M.I.Nurminen, K.Nygaard, H.Oberquelle, A.Raeithel, F.-M.Reisin, D.T.Ross, D.Siefkes, J.Similä, W.Volpert, H.Züllighoven
Link zum Verzeichnis viele Texte aus diesem Umfeld, mit vielen Volltexten
Keil-Slawik, R. (1992): Artifacts in Software Design (168-188) mit dem Konzept "Artifacts as external memory" (179ff) externes Gedächtnis.
Self-Organisation and Software Development: Heinz von Förster und Christiane Floyd (75-85).